“The scale of work is not intimidating. The key to all of it is effective communication.”
“I always write a pros and cons list and give everything a score. What things can you change. What can you control. Then act on it. There’s always something positive you can do.”
“I’ve always thought asking ‘why’ was a superpower, even when others found it irritating.”

“I don’t know what the word for it is, but the feeling here is the feeling you get when you learn a lot and can apply that knowledge and get results. It’s a good circularity.”

Saurabh Bhandarkavathe

Chemical Process Engineer

Why did you join Altilium?

In today’s world, responsible disposal/recycling of commodities such as batteries is becoming increasingly important to reduce the environmental impact and promote a cleaner future. Plus, to decarbonise the UK, first step to be taken to decarbonise transport which accounts for upwards of 25% of the total emissions.

I was particularly drawn to Altilium because of its positive prospects in the battery recycling industry. The commitment to innovation, and sustainable practices, sets Altilium apart from the competition.

How do you explain what you do to other people?

Imagine you have a bunch of old, used-up batteries, and we want to dispose of them. We cannot send them to landfill because of the presence of carcinogenic components inside. We create a solution which dissolves the entire battery constituents and then creates a new battery out of it.

What’s the most challenging aspect of your role?

The challenges vary, mainly because of being a new application. There are many different types of batteries with varying chemistries and designs. Each requires a specialised approach to recycling.

Battery technology is constantly evolving, which means we need to stay up-to-date with the latest innovations and adapt our recycling methods accordingly.

And battery recycling is subject to various environmental regulations, which can vary by region. Almost all the government bodies are yet to qualify the raw contents and the risks involved. In short, the industry is not yet prepared to handle the criticalities of recycling.

What makes you positive about the future?

There’s a growing global awareness of environmental issues and the need for sustainable practices. Battery recycling helps reduce the environmental impact of batteries by recovering valuable materials and minimising waste. The concept of a circular economy, where products and materials are reused, recycled, and repurposed, is gaining traction.

How do you charge your battery?

Relaxing the mind is what I consider a ‘task’ in this digital age. On a daily basis, I do go to the gym and practise to master some bodyweight skills, so learning about the human body/anatomy consumes a good part of my week. I like being outdoors and, being in Plymouth, I often go for a swim in the sea with some friends.