We are pleased to announce positive results for test work on our 100% controlled 2,200 ha copper rich waste dump, located in central Bulgaria. A detailed mineralogical and hydraulic characterisation of the flotation tailings was carried out to obtain additional data for the leaching process of copper recovery.
The most significant outcomes from the study are as follows:
- Given the amount of cuprite and other secondary copper minerals along with potential accessibility of leaching solution through grain boundary pathways and results from sequential copper assays, the tailings material indicates good leachability.
- High grade copper content in the tailings material with > 59.8% of copper contained in the sample confirmed as acid soluble copper.
- The results from ICP-OES and Leco analyses show the major elements include Al, Ca, Fe, K, Mg and Na and minor elements include Ti. The tailings also contain Ba, Cr, Mn, P, Sr and V with concentrations above 100 ppm, and trace elements Mo, Ni and Zn.
- The material could be classified as fine grained and has moderate to low permeability.
All test work was completed by University of Mining and Geology “St. Ivan Rilski” in Bulgaria and has been published in the Journal of Sustainable Extraction and Processing of Raw Materials.
These positive results and commencement a JORC Mineral Resource and Ore Reserve study will help underpin our unique copper project.
The Medet recycling initiative will reduce harmful hard rock copper mining, clean up the contaminated site and provide an important source of copper to a European battery Industry.
Commercial development of the resource is expected to create approximately 200 full-time jobs, numerous commercial opportunities for Bulgarian businesses, as well as substantial fiscal revenues for the Bulgarian State and local communities.
Altilium Metals is a UK based Clean Tech group supporting the shift of the global energy sector from fossil-based to zero-carbon. We believe the technology metals for the electrification of transport and energy storage can come from recycling existing waste streams, such as mine tailings and battery scrap, creating valuable commodities and domestic industrial resilience.
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Building the recycling infrastructure needed for net-zero requires a collaborative approach.