We had the chance to thank Councillor Rufus Gilbert, Cabinet Member for Economy, Enterprise and Skills and Debo Sellis, Councillor for Tavistock for their support under their Green Innovation Fund. In attendance also was the team from the Economic Infrastructure and Strategic Intelligence Unit.

At our labs, we are the only company in the UK hydrometallurgically recycling spent battery black mass, recovering over 95% of the critical metals such as lithium, nickel and cobalt. Our scale-up line allows us to produce samples, catagorise feedstocks and make informed decisions on scalability at commercial plants.

Devon was strategically selected as the location for our Innovation Centre because it has emerged as a diverse ecosystem for technology and entrepreneurship as well as the support received from Devon County Council under its Green Innovation Fund, which supports innovative projects and technologies which will drive green growth in its economy.

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Building the recycling infrastructure needed for net-zero requires a collaborative approach.